New School Road, Mosborough, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S20 5ES

0114 2486211

Mosborough Primary School

Through Inspired Learning We Achieve Our Dreams




Our school attendance target is 97%.



School starts at 8.45am and doors are opened at 8.35am.

The school promotes good punctuality through our 'Early Bird' reward scheme.

On random days, children arriving before 8.45am will receive a raffle ticket. The tickets are put into a prize draw and the lucky winner receives a gift token.


Our School Day

Our school day starts at 8:45am and ends at 3:15pm although we have a range of extra curricular clubs and activities for the children to enjoy.  We have a 15 minute morning break and 45 minutes for lunch.

In total, our children attend school for 32 hours and 30 minutes per week.



Parents/carers are asked to notify the school office before 9am if their child is going to be absent from school. If a child is absent without a reason, parents/carers will be notified by text or telephone.

Alternatively, please complete the absence form below and your notification will be emailed to the school.


Term Time Leave

Our Term Time Leave Policy is written in accordance with Government legislation which states that leave during term time cannot be authorised unless considered an exceptional circumstance.


In line with Sheffield Local Authority’s policy on term time leave, our Family of Schools has agreed that any unauthorised holidays/term time leave taken which spans 5 or more consecutive days

will be subject to a fixed penalty notice of £60 if paid before 21 days, and £120 if paid between 21 and 28 days.


Please remember that all holiday/term time leave requests need to be made in writing using our leave of absence request form available from the school office or our website.

Requests must be submitted 20 days before the start of the planned holiday.


Absence Form