New School Road, Mosborough, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S20 5ES

0114 2486211

Mosborough Primary School

Through Inspired Learning We Achieve Our Dreams



Curriculum Intent


At Mosborough, we aspire to ensure that all children understand the importance of living a healthy,
active lifestyle, and the contribution physical activity has on having a healthy body and mind. The
teaching at Mosborough is inclusive and equips children with a range of skills. Every child at
Mosborough has access to 30 minutes of physical activity in the school day. This will be through the
delivery of PE lessons, The Daily Mile and active blasts.
All children will be given an opportunity to learn to lead through physical education. Whether that is
leading their partner, leading a warm up or being the pacemaker in the Daily Mile. The children at
Mosborough will be provided with the skills to succeed and excel in a range of sports. At Mosborough,
there will be opportunities for the children to access sports clubs and compete in competitive sports at a
range of sporting events. These opportunities along with PE lessons should build self esteem and help
to embed values such as fairness, respect and togetherness. The aim of teaching at Mosborough is to
promote an understanding of safe practice, and develop a sense of responsibility towards the children’s
own and others’ safety and well-being.
Physical Education sessions at Mosborough Primary School will contain all elements required by the
National Curriculum taught through a range of activities including:
Key Stage 1: Games, Dance and Gymnastics.
Key Stage 2: Games, Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics, Outdoor Education and Swimming.
In foundation, we provide high quality opportunities for children to be active on a daily basis and
develop their coordination, control, and movement. We offer opportunities to develop their gross motor
skills as well as their fine motor skills in order to meet the Early Learning Goal at the end of the year.
This includes enabling children to access thoughtfully planned and delivered activities to develop their
skills in writing and letter formation. Children build the foundations of their understanding about the
importance of physical activity, the impact on our bodies and how to make healthy choices linked to




At Mosborough, PE is planned and delivered for two hours a week. All programmes of study in the
National Curriculum are planned for and delivered within KS1 and KS2. The dance, gymnastics and
games elements of the National Curriculum are planned following the iMoves scheme of work. An
orienteering scheme of work planned by British Orienteering provides planning for the Outdoor
Education element of the National curriculum.
Each lesson is taught by the class teacher and the PE teaching assistant supports every teacher for
one of their lessons each week. These lessons either take place in the hall or outside on the
playground or field. Teachers ensure that high quality resources are used to meet the needs of all
learners. This equipment is checked on a weekly basis and resources are replaced when necessary.
As well as two PE lessons each week, every class participates in the Daily Mile or an active blast at
least once a day. The teacher decides when to include these sessions in the day. They are done at a
time of the day that benefits the children the most.


In addition to the opportunities given throughout the school day, after school sports clubs are offered to
all children. These clubs build on skills taught within the PE lessons. Children also have the opportunity
to represent their school at both intra and inter competitions.
Whole school sporting events are organised to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles. These
events occur annually and some of which include: sports day, healthy week and National fitness day.
In foundation, all 7 areas of learning are important and interconnected, therefore experiences will occur
across many different opportunities offered through our curriculum. Direct adult-teaching is offered as
part of our curriculum alongside an enabling environment that provides a wide range of learning
experiences. As children engage in activities within the provision opportunities to practise and develop
their physical skills will and do occur naturally. Examples of this will be seen in water and sand play,
construction, creative areas and loose parts play.
In foundation, more specific PE links can occur through the area of learning ‘Physical Development’.
PE and elements of the children’s physical development is mapped out clearly throughout the year to
offer a wide range of opportunities and progression. This includes the focus of directed P.E sessions
and that of opportunities within our provision; inside the classroom and the outdoor learning
Children engage in a 1 hour PE session each week which has a focus on gross motor skills. All children
also have continuous access to activities within the provision that are focussed on developing both
children’s gross and fine motor skills. Teacher-led opportunities for fine motor development are
delivered through discrete sessions such as ‘squiggle while you wiggle’ and during daily phonics
sessions 4 times per week.




Physical education has many benefits for children both physically and mentally as well as socially and
emotionally. The impact of PE at Mosborough is to ensure that children are equipped with skills and
knowledge that will enable them to succeed and feel confident in a range of sports.
As mentioned in the intent, physical education sessions at Mosborough Primary School contain
elements required by the National Curriculum taught through a range of activities. Children in KS1 will
be taught games, dance and gymnastics. Children in KS2 will be taught these areas in addition to
athletics, outdoor education and swimming (only in year 4).
The coverage for all key stages across the school is shown below:

In foundation, our curriculum allows children’s skills to be built upon when entering year 1. Our 1 hour
weekly PE lesson allows children to successfully develop their fundamental skills of movement,
balance, negotiating spaces, use of basic equipment, understanding of safety and their ability to work
with others. Children also take part in dance sessions as well as focussing on basic movements. This is
adult-led with high quality support from a teaching assistant to ensure progress.
Through our provision and outdoor learning environment children are able to access a wide range of
opportunities to support their physical development. Linked to gross motor skills, this includes many
opportunities for activities such as bike riding, building and completing obstacle courses and throwing
and catching games. The provision also allows children to access activities to support their fine motor
skills; this includes marking making on large and small scales, writing, cutting and creative
Through adult-led learning children actively engage in ‘Squiggle while you wiggle’ to support gross and
fine motor movements ready for writing. Children are also supported systematically with letter formation
through our teaching of daily phonics and inclusion of the school’s handwriting scheme from the
summer term.

In foundation, our curriculum allows children’s skills to be built upon when entering year 1. Our 1 hour weekly PE lesson allows children to successfully develop their fundamental skills of movement, balance, negotiating spaces, use of basic equipment, understanding of safety and their ability to work with others. Children also take part in dance sessions as well as focussing on basic movements. This is adult-led with high quality support from a teaching assistant to ensure progress.


Through our provision and outdoor learning environment children are able to access a wide range of opportunities to support their physical development. Linked to gross motor skills, this includes many opportunities for activities such as bike riding, building and completing obstacle courses and throwing and catching games. The provision also allows children to access activities to support their fine motor skills; this includes marking making on large and small scales, writing, cutting and creative opportunities.


Through adult-led learning children actively engage in ‘Squiggle while you wiggle’ to support gross and fine motor movements ready for writing. Children are also supported systematically with letter formation through our teaching of daily phonics and inclusion of the school’s handwriting scheme from the summer term.

Supporting documents and useful links:

Our PE and School Sports Policy can be viewed here

Our PE and School Sports long term curriculum can be viewed here

Our latest PE and Sport Premium Report can be viewed here

Talented Athlete Bursary application form can be found here