New School Road, Mosborough, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S20 5ES

0114 2486211

Mosborough Primary School

Through Inspired Learning We Achieve Our Dreams

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. "Spotacular" Children in Need Day, Friday 18th November

"Spotacular" Children in Need Day, Friday 18th November

13 November 2022 (by

Non Uniform: Children can come dressed in something that has a ‘spotty’ theme.

Sharing Talent: Children are invited to come ready to share or show a ‘talent’ that they have. These talents will be shared in class.

Bake Sale: Donations of home baked or bought cakes can be given to the class teacher on the day before or the day of children in need. Each cake will be sold for 50p.

Donations: We request a donation of £2 towards the many charities that Children in Need supports. This can be made at the Just Giving Page: