New School Road, Mosborough, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S20 5ES

0114 2486211

Mosborough Primary School

Through Inspired Learning We Achieve Our Dreams

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  2. School News
  3. Smarties Challenge

Smarties Challenge

5 June 2018 (by Genaya Smales (genaya.smales))

There are just three more days of the MPG Smarties Challenge to go!

Before half term, your child came home with a tube of Smarties from MPG.

In return, the children have been challenged to complete tasks around the home in exchange for 20p coins, which are stored in the Smarties tube.

All tubes need to be handed back into school by 3.15pm on Friday 8 June.  The class that returns the most tubes will receive a prize from MPG!

A leader board is on display in the main entrance.  Currently, Cherry Class are in the lead but with 3 days to go, there's time for this to be challenged!